Re: Paper for Oil Painting
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 23:34:19 -0500

Photographic grade gelatine is much preferable.

Joe Arkins wrote:

> Hi, I am searching through my old files and found this formula (from Klaus
> Pollmeier) for oil printing:
> - Prepare 140 ml of a 15% gelatin (Bloom Index >200) solution
> - add 14 ml of a 15% potato starch (dextrine) solution
> - while stirring, slowly add 14 ml of a hardener, made by mixing 6 ml
> of a 6% sol. of acetic acid and 8 ml of a 1% sol. of chrome alum.
> I would like to try oil printing but have some questions:
> Will food gelatin work? How much should I use?
> Can corn starch be substituted in the above formula? Also, I assume it is
> uncooked starch (rather than cooking into paste). Is this true?
> Why does the gelatin need to be hardened? How can hardened gelatin work?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestion / comment.
> Dave S

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