Sat, 03 Apr 1999 11:20:09 -0500 (EST)
The Symbolic Sciences LightJet is an RGB device that exposes on
"conventional" photographic materials. They can print quite large; I have
some 30 x 50 inch output here. The results are stunning; the cost is
commensurate. They can make negatives on Duratrans material (a
translucent base) or DuraClear (a transparent base).
If you want to try a "digital" negative approach (via imagesetter on
lithographic film), your costs will drop substantially, but you will
encounter a few bends in the road to negative bliss (having to apply a
contrast adjustment curve, etc). Last year I taught a workshop at the
Chicago Art Institute and we used the service bureau listed below for
output. A letter size negative cost $12.50 at that time. Their Agfa
imagesetter a smaller unit; 14 x 18 inches is an ideal "large" size for
them. Of course, you could position a number of smaller images on that
larger film and realize additional economy.
The Image Studio people were friendly and professional. It's a small
business with lots of personal attention!
Image Studio
223 West Erie, Swt. 6NE
Chicago, IL 60610
Good luck!
In your email you stated...
>I regularly use a pro lab here in the Chicago area. They offer a ditigal
>service, which seems a bit "pricy" to me. Drum Scan $75.00. Digital negs
>a LightJet 2080, 8x10, 2,032 lpi for $100.00.
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