Carl Weese (
Sun, 04 Apr 1999 22:14:33 -0500
If you want to print in silver (and then what are you doing here <g>) a
simple densitometer reading of black density will work. For printing in
platinum (etc) you need to use the densitometer in the blue channel (you
mention cyan, you've got a densitometer calibrated in the subtractive
primaries instead of the additives??) in order to emulate the UV/Blue
sensitivity of the platinum, palladium, and similar process sensitivity.
For Pt/Pd, you are definitely concerned with the combined density of
silver and stain. But remember, the only thing that really counts is
whether you can get good prints from your negative. The densitometer is
only useful if it makes that task easier.
And your question brings up the point, can anyone speak from experience
about how the pyro stain interacts with some of the other alternate
processes of interest here? Does the negative that prints ok in either
silver or Pt because of the pyro development also print in cyanotype
(which with a traditional simple silver negative needs a gamma
intermediate between those two) or Van Dyk Brown? ---Carl
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