Richard Sullivan (
Tue, 06 Apr 1999 08:46:45 -0600
Cor sayeth:
..I was able to boost negatives via bleaching and re-developing in PyroOk, has anyone tried selenium toning a pyro developed neg???? Just curious if that would push the contrast another notch.
for Cyanotype and Ziatype. The starting negative had too little density
for a good Cyanotype ie adequate density for a Silvergelatine print, grade
2. After Pyro re-development it printed perfect for Cyanotype, but needed
dichromate contrast boost for a good Ziatype. An negative which held
barely enough density for a Cyanotype became too "dense" after
pyro-treatment, but printed perfect for a Ziatype. So therer seems to de a
more or less linear relation ship..but I did not do enough testing to be
conclusive on this..I also read somewere that one could repeat the
bleach/re-develop cycle to increase the stain..did not try this though..
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