Brian Ellis (
Fri, 09 Apr 1999 15:20:41 -0400
Hi Gary - The two best I've found are "Creative Elements: Darkroom Techniques
for Landscape Photography" by Eddie Ephrams and "The Photographer's Master
Printing Course" by Tim Rudman. The emphasis in Eddie Ephrams book is on toning.
Tim Rudman's book deals with toning and a variety of other creative techniques.
Both are excellent books. Brian
Gary Miller wrote:
> Does anyone have any recommendations on a book that would contain
> information about bleaching prints, toning, and other effects that would be
> utilized in a fine art sense, probably mostly on silver prints, but possibly
> on alternative materials as well. I know that this is not strictly
> 'alternative' in the sense of non-silver mainstream techniques, but I know
> that the list is a great source of technical knowledge and I have not been
> able to find this type of info. Thanks for any help. You can e-mail me
> offlist if you think that that would be appropriate.
> Gary Miller
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