Sat, 10 Apr 1999 16:39:09 -0400 (EDT)
In einer eMail vom 10.04.99 08:24:45 MEZ, schreiben Sie:
Hi Adam
You are right.
Epson Photo 750 and (for larger formats) Photo 1200 provides printing quality
nearly as traditional printing does (e.g. Ciba-prints do).
I use it for proofing my appr. 400 MB files produced with a drum scanner for
final prints sized 16 x 20 inch in four colors or appr. 150 MB monochrome
files scaned with 12 bit.
As you say D max doesn't seem to be the problem - but waxed paper couldn't be
a quit satisfying solution.
I tried to use transparent film and any kinds of traditional gelatinized
(fixed out) tranparent films.
Problem is, that these film doesn't provide quick drying of dyes so you will
not get the same quality as when printing e.g. on Epson glossy photo paper.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Kind Regards
Stefan Stecher
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