Kodalak/amyl acetate

Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 18:26:30 -0400 (EDT)

In an old book on toning, I found a formula for a varnish supposed to
protect the surface of a toned print... Since I'm always looking for a
possible varnish for a gum print (no luck yet, but hope springs eternal),
I'm interested -- wonder if anyone has a clue:

Kodalak clear
amyl acetate
and wood alcohol.

I know what wood alcohol is. I could probably find amyl acetate (I take it
that's NOT amyl nitrate). But I wonder wnat Kodalak might be. Collodion?
Or? (The book was from 1939.)

I don't recall the old formularies listing by brand name, but maybe
someone has a clue, even of where to look...



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