John Erbes (
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 09:20:26 +0000
At 09:13 PM 4/19/99 -0400, Michael Keller wrote:
> we forget about all the bad film photographs being made. What's it up to,
6 billion
>a year now?
At 10:14 PM 4/19/99 -0400, RJHirsch@AOL.COM wrote:
(history of photography list posting)
>FYI- Kodak referred me to Photo Marketing Inc. in Jackson, Michigan who do
>market research and survey retailers and processors. They gave me the
>following information:
>In 1997 amateurs through-out the world made 73 billion "traditional"
>(non-digital) exposures . US amateurs accounted for 17.9 billion of those
>exposures. For 1998 they estimate that US amateurs made 18.56 billion
>traditional exposures. Could a photo-related business whose address is 3000
>Picture Place be wrong?
>Bob Hirsch
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