was: Pyro negs and stain: metering light color

Larry Watson (larry@oreilly.com)
Wed, 19 May 1999 18:36:45 -0800

The Zone VI modified Pentax spot meters are supposed
to compensate for variations in color. Does anyone have
experience with if they actually do this?


>My experience is that some black and white films are more sensitive to the
>outdoor light than indoor tungsten (IOW, different film speeds apply).
>Additional experience shows that some light meters do not meter different
>colors, and thusly different colored light, as equal. I did some light meter
>tests where I metered through colored gels, then shot through them. The Nikon
>was accurate for all but the most red color (underexposed), my Gossen Luna
>Pro F
>was off on several colors. As usual, sticking with one film/meter/camera combo
>and testing for all situations is advised. Get to know it well before
>Gary Miller wrote:
>> Speaking of the difference of shooting outdoors as opposed to shooting in
>> the studio, why are the outdoors negatives so much more dense.

Larry Watson
O'Reilly & Associates
Creative Media Services


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