Steve Shapiro (
Wed, 26 May 1999 20:49:14 -0700
Subject: Re: Pyrocatechin, was Amount carbonate in developer
> I should have said streaking and/or staining. I have experienced some
> staining (though often very slight, and sometimes on the back of the film
> rather than the emulsion) with rotary processing in tubes. However, this
> can usually be eliminated by pre-soaking the film and adding some EDTA to
> the developer so I don't see this as a major problem.
> The streaking has resulted from my attempt to use PMK with minimal
> agitation (sheet film in tray). I assume it results from all these
> oxidation by-products settling on one area of the film when it is there
> still for long periods of time.
> In any event, constant or almost constant agitation with PMK seems the
> way to use this developer.
> Sandy King
> >Sandy,
> >
> >What agitation method are you using when you get objectionable streaking
> >with PMK? While I'm certainly going through a variety of teething
> >problems working out how to handle large sheets most effectively,
> >"streaking" of the pyro stain just isn't one of them with the various
> >constant agitation methods I've been trying with PMK.
> >
> >---Carl
Tray development and constant agitation is a must do combination.
What are you doing about the streaking and uneaven development in general?
S. Shapiro
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