Rice Paper

Nash Computer Technology (nashcom@btinternet.com)
Thu, 27 May 1999 19:01:41 +0100

I was in an art shop today, and noticed that they had some "Japanese Drawing
and Writing Paper". It was rolled up and sealed in a pack, and the shop
assistant wasn't very helpful. He told me he thought it was rice paper, but
said that it would disintegrate if placed in water - he reckoned it was the
same stuff they put under almond cookies!

I know that Japanese papers have been discussed before on this list, and I
seem to remember that they are quite delicate. I don't really want to buy a
roll of the stuff it's only good for baking. However, I'd appreciate any
hints on its use (eg do you back the print with coloured paper that shows
through) and also tips on how to wash it.

David Nash

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