Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Fri, 28 May 1999 16:01:17 -0400 (EDT)
A day or so ago someone asked about a precoated pl-pd paper, dismissed by
the pl-pd-erati as sniff, sneer, humpf, whatever whatever.
For the record, Palladio company puts out a precoated paper, used very
happily for lo these 20 years by many, and in the big pl-pd bakeoff in the
sky, maybe who can tell? In any event, their info # is 800/628-9618, fax
617/547-6810, palladio@napc.com, and I do not have any connection
with this firm, though I would never accept anything smaller than
a breadbox anyway.
They also have an excellent free catalog-manual, with instructions for
building exposure system & enlarged negs.
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