Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Fri, 28 May 1999 21:47:29 -0400 (EDT)
On Fri, 28 May 1999, Martin Franchi wrote:
> > flushing down the drain with adequate water is satisfactory. We're
> >talking small darkrooms here...
> Yes but many small darkrooms flushing chemicals down the drain is really
> not good for your local water supply.
> If anybody takes the extra effort to try to dispose of their darkroom waste
> in an enviormently freindy manor that's awsome.
Here in NYC where we are behind the curve on so many things (box stores,
murders per capita, being among the less desirable), we are ahead of the
curve on a couple of things -- one of them being that water is metered.
Our bill is HUGE & about to get huger, a 4% increase in rates this year.
The bills of the last few years have definitely focussed the attention.
My understanding is that when the waste water goes into a large urban
stream, individual chemicals in small user amounts are not significant,
but it goes against the grain, so to speak, to do all that "flushing."
Even before the meters, I felt guilty using water to wash photographs --
a limited resource, & increasingly so.
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