Re: STOP WARP Re: What does amidol do?

Kallitype (
Tue, 08 Jun 1999 13:54:58 -0700

Lukas Werth wrote:
> Thanks for the Information.
> However severe the danger of the gas may be, I think I shall make it a
> habit to develope in pyro with closed or turned away eyes.
> Lukas

  I have noticed that when I uncap a bottle of PMK Pyro sol'n A, there
is sometimes a whiff of a rather nasty fume. It offends the nose, not
the eyes, though. I have learned to take the cap off away from my face,
and pour the sol'n at arm's length. The fume in question is not
necessarily soluble pyrogallol, though---there are some other reagents
in the brew.

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