RE: Bulbs

John Melanson (
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 14:10:16 -0600

Could you say how much faster? It's a lot more wattage ( I think 3X), does
the printing time go down proportinatly?

John Melanson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Laven []
> Sent: Monday, June 28, 1999 1:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Bulbs
> I believe Bill has
> >mentioned many times that super actinic works better for Pt (if
> I remember
> >correctly). That information should be in the archive already.
> >
> I have said that often. In my tests, Super Actinics, which emit a narrow
> band peaking at 420nm, print faster then traditional "black light" bulbs,
> which emit a broad band that peaks at 350 or 360nm. A friend of mine did
> comparisons of BL vs. Super Actinics with POP and found the SA's produced
> shorter exposure times and at least a grade's worth more contrast.
> Eric Neilsen did some comparisons of BL vs. SA for Pt/Pd, too. Eric, are
> you reading this? Do you have a report?
> Bill
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