Re: tiny white spots in prints?

Judy Seigel (
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 19:54:31 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Keith Schreiber wrote:

> Lukas,
> This sounds very much like what I encountered with several papers that I
> have tested for traditional Pt/Pd. With many of the papers, including Rives
> BFK, close examination with a loupe or magnifier showed that the white spots
> were usually naked fibers, that is fibers that did not absorb the solution.
> In some cases adding a bit of Tween 20 alleviated the problem (Gampi,
> Twinrocker WC) but in others (including BFK) it didn't.

Rather than white *spots* I'd call them flecks, characteristic of
cyanotype & VDB on Rives BFK. Can't say of course if that's what Lukas
had, but they caused me to advise against BFK for either medium. Some
folks use both these emulsions on BFK without a problem, which could be
due to their different method of application, different pH, different
climate, and/or X, Y, & Z.


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