Re: question about making platinum salt

Eric Neilsen (
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:57:08 -0500

"Richard S. Sullivan" wrote:

> >
> Jeff Mathias replies:
> >I believe that you will find that the production of K2PtCl4 will also
> >involve the use of aqua regia. Hopefully you've read the previous
> >discussions involving gold chloride.
> Dick replies in situ:
> Not true in his case. He already has the chloroplatinic acid which is post
> aqua regia so that is not an issue.
> >
> >The two cents I would like to throw in is that while K2PtCl4 is the
> >double salt of platinum that is desired, it is very easy to also get
> >K2PtCl6 along with its production.
> Half true. It is the avenue through which K2PtCl4 is made in the most
> common synthesis process. The K2PtCl6 is reduced to K2PtCl4. It is the
> incomplete reduction that leaves some of the K2PtCl6.
> >This later salt is not very soluble.
> True
> >in water and ends up as a precipitant which may cause problems such as
> >specks in the print.
> Not true in my experience. This is cited in some early texts but I have
> added small quantities and coated it in with the emulsion with no visible
> effect. I often use reclaimed sludge from the lab that Dana is scheduled to
> recycle by reducing back to metal. This is dregs of various stuff from
> beakers etc. It's loaded with 'Cl6, Pt black and other secondary products.
> I am careful to not suck up any goop from the bottom and it makes perfectly
> good prints. I give Dana back the sludge for reclamation.
> This seems to be like the urban legend that iron causes problems. Phil
> Davis once coated a print with a rusty nail with no ill effects. Sam Wang
> also debunked this theory as well.

It may also cause streaks and other problems. ( were these the little demons
that stuck to a negative and late caused a white spot? only the shadow knows)
While Phil Davis may have coated a print with a rusty nail, until many people
see it done, it will NOT be believed and I for one, have strong doubts as to

> >At the least it will render some of the expensive
> >platinum unusable by tying it up in this insoluble sludge.
> True.
> >Companies
> >like Engelhard go to great expense to produce a pure product.
> That we do.
> > And
> >although I have no doubt that K2PtCl4 can be produced by others, I have
> >not to this day found a cheaper, purer, easier to obtain source of
> >K2PtCl4 (or PdCl2) than Engelhard.
> Not true. Call B+S for a quote.

While , it is quite OK for you to promote your product, unless you can share
qualitative analysis that show your product to be equal to Engelhard quality,
you are putting yourself out on a limb with that claim.

> Easier? Try ordering online from Englehard with a credit card. Pay
> Englehard with a check and you'll wait for it to clear although they seem
> to be on-again off-again about checks at all.

What is this love affair with on line? Their 800 # works fine
(800-336-8559-ext4 Rick Clayton), their staff is prompt and their product
always first rate. I have never had to wait for a check to clear for
shipment. Are these your experiences Dick? They sell Platinic Acid, both
Potassium and Ammonium Platinum Salts, Palladium Chloride and Gold Chloride.

> While you're at it, you might also try asking Englehard to help you solve
> some problems you are having with your prints. You might also ask them
> what they have contributed to the alt-photo community. Frankly they could
> give a damn.

Frankly, An ALTERNATIVE TO B&S for metals salts. I have had many conversations
with their Chemist. I have found him to provide excellent information. While
it is true they can not answer technical questions about the printing processes
that you may be using their materials in, there is this great list that can do
that for you at no charge. Most of us have no profit motive behind our
recommendation or advise. The truth is out there.

One might ask you dick, why they were not listed in your book as a source for

> >
> >I don't work for them. And, I don't get any commission.
> I work for B+S and do get a "commission."

I work for neither Engelhard or B&S, and get commissions only from karma.

> Cheers.
> --Dick Sullivan

Happy printing, EJ Neilsen

Eric J. Neilsen
4101 Commerce Street, Suite #9
Dallas, TX 75226

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