Larry Watson (
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 14:54:37 -0700
I'm an alt photo list member who happens to work for the company that makes
the software discussed below. If you are interested, here is the url to get
Version 4.0 is now just being released and has gotten some pretty great
reviews from what I understand.
>About a year ago I tried to set up a web based discussion group. The
>software worked fairly well but there were no management facilities.
>Whoever designed it just thought the threads would go on and on forever.
>The management end of the system was the pits.
>Folks have been asking about when I was going to put it up again. I have
>begged off waiting to find the right software. Well, I've found it and it
>is incredible. It is O'Reilly's Webboard.
>It allows for listserve mail as well as a threaded web board so everyone,
>including those without web access can participate. We haven't got it set
>up to allow images to be attached to the messages yet but that is coming soon.
>It also allows for separate conferences but at this time there are only
>three. One for alt-process discussions called "alt-Photo", one called
>"Current Events" for announcements and discussions of shows, workshops, new
>books etc., and one called the "Coffeehouse" which is for off-topic
>discussions etc. I think it is better for us to be all together for a while.
>We also have the ability to have moderators for various conferences.
>It looks pretty stable at this time but I am new to managing it so most any
>glitch can come up in the next week or two. I invite folks over to test it
>and make comments. There are lots of configuration options such as how many
>messages can be in a conference and how long they can stay for. If you
>choose listserve mail instead of going to the web, you can choose not only
>a digest mode but a zipped digest mode!
>All-in-all it looks pretty powerful.
>Thanks in advance for your help and comments
>Go to for the link.
>There is a link at as well but it is not so obvious.
>--Dick Sullivan
>505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857
Larry Watson
O'Reilly & Associates
Creative Media Services
707-829-0515 ext. 257
fax 707-829-2175
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