Re: What the ???

Carl Weese (
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:48:22 -0400

Richard Morris wrote:
> ENOUGH!! Surely anyone who does something should take pride in being asked
> questions. They might be stupid in your eyes but not in theirs. I use a
> Gerge Hare view camera, just over 100 years old. When using it on one
> occasion a young boy came up to me and asked if he could have a look
> through the ground glass screen. "Cor mister" he said, "its in colour!"
> Think about it.

Richard, one of the things I love about working with antique banquet
cameras is that they are such conversational ice-breakers. It's
frequently occured to me that if I were ever lonely I could just go out
with my 12x20, not bothering with any film holders, and set up somewhere
just to chat with the people who come up and ask questions. I learn all
sorts of things about the places I photograph from these folks, things
it could be hard to research other ways. People almost always politely
get out of the way if I say something like "my light is going I've got
to shoot right now." It's fun to see the glazed look on someone's face
after they've taken their first peek at a 12x20 inch ground glass.


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