Rita Dibert (rjdibert@whanganui.ac.nz)
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 18:20:31 +1300
Corrected version (sorry I have a toothache):
>The camera question is often the only one peope are comfortable with, to
>start. When
>exhibitioning I always anwer all the techy questions in bold print: ie.
>Busch Pressman, Kodak lens, Polaroid 55NP enlarged to 16x20, selinium toned
>geletin silver print, hand tinted. Then we can start to talk about intent,
>content, message, situational metaphors...whatever.WE have no way of
>telling what level a person, or a student for that matter, is at until we
>begin the conversation.It would be akin to asking someone if they wanted
>to get married before the first date. The conversation must start
>Rita Dibert
>Principal Tutor and Head of Dept., Photography
>Quay School of Fine Arts
>Wanganui, New Zealand
>>ENOUGH!! Surely anyone who does something should take pride in being asked
>>questions. They might be stupid in your eyes but not in theirs. I use a
>>Gerge Hare view camera, just over 100 years old. When using it on one
>>occasion a young boy came up to me and asked if he could have a look
>>through the ground glass screen. "Cor mister" he said, "its in colour!"
>>Think about it.
>>We must all have met "famous" people at some stage including some of you
>>lot who are well know in the alternative world. What has been their
>>reaction to you? The brush off or a courteous polite chat. Which will you
>>remember in future?
>>Richard Morris
>>> >
>>> >Amen. I found it interesting, typical, and disgusting that while I set
>>> >up my camera at APIS several "photographers" ask me things like: What
>>> >kind of camera? What kind of lens? What kind of ______? Aside from
>>> >being annoying, they're missing the point. The question to be asked is
>>> >WHAT KIND OF PHOTOGRAPHER ARE YOU? At least it's a question I would
>>> >enjoy answering.
>>Richard Morris
>>Brunel University, UK
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