Re: What the ???

Richard Morris (
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:12:31 +0100 (BST)

ENOUGH!! Surely anyone who does something should take pride in being asked
questions. They might be stupid in your eyes but not in theirs. I use a
Gerge Hare view camera, just over 100 years old. When using it on one
occasion a young boy came up to me and asked if he could have a look
through the ground glass screen. "Cor mister" he said, "its in colour!"
Think about it.

We must all have met "famous" people at some stage including some of you
lot who are well know in the alternative world. What has been their
reaction to you? The brush off or a courteous polite chat. Which will you
remember in future?

Richard Morris

> >
> >Amen. I found it interesting, typical, and disgusting that while I set
> >up my camera at APIS several "photographers" ask me things like: What
> >kind of camera? What kind of lens? What kind of ______? Aside from
> >being annoying, they're missing the point. The question to be asked is
> >WHAT KIND OF PHOTOGRAPHER ARE YOU? At least it's a question I would
> >enjoy answering.

Richard Morris
Brunel University, UK

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