Carl Weese (
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 11:20:17 -0400
Just a clarification: in current nomenclature at least, Crane's
"Platinotype" (not their name for it) is officially called "Crane 90
pound cover, natural white" and not called 'parchment'.
It's good you pointed out that faulty coating technique can easily
result in solarization. Once again, different papers can require very
different coating, especially when using a glass rod. A too-dry sheet of
Platine is quite resistant to absorbing the coating solutions, which is
almost certainly the reason I find it necessary to humidify this paper
thoroughly before coating. But a coating that's too thin or just lies on
the surface of the paper instead of soaking into the top fibers will
solarize at the drop of a hat.
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