Michael Arbuthnot (MichaelA@GlazersCamera.com)
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 15:38:20 -0700
Your fears probably won't be realized and you must ask yourself if others
that you know have had this happen,
probably not. Why not carry your (un)or exposed sheets of film on your
person or how about shooting type 55 Polaroid. Big and slightly bulky going
in but if you floss regularly and stretch some across a bathroom, no reason
that you cannot develop and fix as you go. I'm sure many on the list will
be appalled that one would consider this arrangement, but at least you have
your little gems, and you know what you have versus this abiding dread of
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Hawkins [mailto:tomehawk@ix.netcom.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 3:24 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
Subject: Safe transport...again
One more time...
Thanks for your patience.
I am planning a trip to Europe and will be carrying some 4x5 film (ISO 100).
I've never carried sheet film through airline security/customs ( I usually
carry rolls and ask to have it hand inspected), and would appreciate
comments on the safest, most efficient way to transport the film.
There is a recurring nightmare of having the boxes opened by security
personnel and ruining a few weeks worth of work (and several months worth of
Tom Hawkins
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