Link to Carl Volk aka hi-res printer/Grayscale

Nick Makris (
Sun, 01 Aug 1999 10:36:22 -0700

After some searching, I have come up with the following link that may prove helpful to those following the hi-res printer/Grayscale thread.
Don Bryant eluded to Carl earlier.
Carl Volk -

I am visibly impressed by what I have seen at this sight - If you use PhotoShop. you should visit this sight. There is a new tip every week and a table of contents that lists all the previous tips. The following is an excerpt from the tip entitled "Photoshop File Resolution" and it comes very close to answering the question at hand:
.......for a typical 300 dpi laser writer which prints only up to 53 lpi, 100 dpi grey scale scans are adequate. For the original Epson Stylus Photo ink-jet printers (which image at 720 x 720 dpi), the maximum resolution should be 240 dpi (and, according to Epson techs, anything higher is re-sampled down for you by the printer's software). The newer Epson Stylus Photo EX, imaging at 1440 dpi, recommends files up to 360 dpi for optimum quality output. You may, however, be hardpressed to actually see the difference between a 240 dpi and a 360 dpi file printed on an EX unless your scan is a drum scan from a large format negative or transparency. For continuous tone digital imaging, the necessary resolution is relative to the printer's resolution.

As you might have noticed, it suggests an association of 25% of a 1440dpi printer resolution - when I find out more on that, I'll post it.

Many thanks,


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