Enlarged Negatives

gingers (gingers@suninternet.com)
Sun, 01 Aug 1999 17:41:03 -0400


        I have been out of the loop (and off the listserv) for a couple of years.
I am teaching an Alternative Processes Class this Fall. I feel fairly
confident about teaching the processes (though I will be reading the
listserv closely) but I need to bone up on the techniques for creating
enlarged negatives. I shoot and print 4x5 so the last time I made enlarged
negatives was 1990. Most recently I have taught Alt Pro classes in study
abroad programs where we had no darkrooms so my students either used
Xeroxed acetates or 4x5.

        I have been doing a little reading but would like input from you. My texts
are dated so may not have the most recent practices ( I would also
appreciate recommendations for a text book). I am sure there are archived
discussions on enlarged negatives. If some one could point me to the
correct year, I would be happy to take it from there. Or, if you would tell
me directly what you do, I would be grateful.

        I do remember some sort of RC paper that peels thus making great paper
negatives without waxing. I would be interested in that name.

        I will be teaching Cyanotype, Van Dyke, Palladium, Kwik Print, Gum, as
well as a few processes that do not need enlarged negatives.

        Thank you in advance for your input. I am glad to be back on the list.

        All the best,

        Ginger Sheridan

Jacksonville University
802 Second Street, Neptune Beach, FL 32266
ph: 904.242.7931 fx: 904.242.0495 email: gingers@suninternet.com

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