This topic has certainly aroused "no pun intended" many responses.
But in all manner of seriousness the nude for me is a wonderful thing.
Before the fig leaf came into play somehow we were something else as human
I can not help but think of the beautiful marble sculpture and paintings
etc.. Some "places" clothes remove the meaning as to who we are.
I have struggled with the nude in photography as to it's proper identity and
place. It has tore at the very fabric of my soul as I have strong beliefs
some people refer to as religious.
I keep coming back to the place of origin and who we are internally. It
forces us to face certain issues in our society. Western civilization.
I have now come to the conclusion that it reveals our essence as to how we
perceive a nude. Granted the image whether it be sculpture or photography
ect.. speaks for itself as to what the maker implies. Hugh Hefner to
If we are to pursue the nude as fine art than it must be done in such away
that it manifests itself in a way that challenges our psyche. Something
that makes us stop and think. On the other hand it reveals all beauty both
in death and life.
I can go on and on in laying out my thought processes and my way of thinking
for you but I shall stop here.
Thank you all for pushing my brain into further thinking as well as allowing
me to learn from you all.
Most Sincerely,
Jonathan Hall
P.S. Far be it from me to be politically correct. May that term burn
forever. Cheers....
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