Re: next century predictions

From: Dan Koons (
Date: Fri Dec 31 1999 - 14:07:07 /etc/localtime

Predictions? Y2K will fall out of favor when it gets awkward to say Y2K
plus one, it will join words like High Tech
        The authors of doom and gloom will be laughing all the way to the bank,
and will start a sequel book promising new secrets.
        HBO may ask George Carlin to come up with new material.
        If Judy is correct, Jewish merchants will add to the Holiday songs What A
Friend We Have in Jesus.
:) dan 1,143yrs old, assistant bottle washer

At 08:34 AM 12/30/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm collecting predictions for the next century. It can be on anything you
>like, photography, science, society, sports, food, whatever. I'd love to
>hear what this group has to say!
>To put a time limit on this, reply by Jan 7th. I'd like to get your name,
>age, and title (official or not!) but if you don't want to, don't.
>Looking forward to it!
>Kathryn Garrison
>CU Boulder
>MCDB dept

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