Newbie seeks advice on film output

Richard Miller (
Wed, 03 Nov 1999 09:58:37 -0800

Hi everyone,

It's nice to see such an active list on this topic!! I'm just ready to get
my hands wet(well, protective gloves, actually) on this whole area of
platinum printing. For the last few years, I've been making digital
negatives by creating 4x5 LVT output negatives and conventional
enlarging/silver prints. Nice prints for sure, but I'm interested in trying
this out. There's a *huge* amount of information already out there on the
process of outputting film on an imagesetter and I'll certainly try that,
but I had two questions for those of you who already do this sort of work:

1) Has anyone used a continuous tone negative from an output device like
the LightJet? From what little I currently know about this, I understand
that I may have trouble with the extreme highlight values because the film
doesn't get *truly* black... Any thoughts?

2) What experience do you have with Palladio paper? I certainly appreciate
the aesthetic qualities of handcoated emulsions, but how does it compare
in the actual tone and fibre to other papers used in the process? I've seen
it referred to as "very smooth." This may be too subjective, but is this a
bothersome quality in a platinum print??


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