James Young (
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 21:26:15 -0600

> Thanks for your response and great information. I am hoping that the
>perosn who posted the specific info on leather bellows will pick up on my
>request,,,there were so many recommendations of bellows manufacturers on
>that thread I couldn't organize them all.
> For the ol' Kodak #2 I'll hold out for leather. I use mostly modern
>equipment but when I am restoring something like this, part of the enjoyment
>is the beauty of the original materials.
> Thanks again.
> And I hope the person who posted the specific source of leather bellows
>is reading this.

If you find anyone willing to make a leather bellows, post their info. I
contacted all the bellows people I could find to get a red leather bellows
for an old # 10 cirkut. No one would do it. I ended up getting a regular
one. The bellows makers said the material was hard to get at the right
thickness and there just isn't enough demand. Let us know if you have
better luck. Jamie

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