Re: Potassiumoxalate

Harald Leban (
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 00:06:53 -0500

You can also use other kinds of alkaline substances like Potassiumcarbonate
(Potash), Ammonia solution or in worst case Sodiumhydroxide.
To be on the safe side you should hold the pH on a level between 6,5 -7,0
(reply to a message from K.Pollmeier)

But the best is to do it with Potassiumhydroxide or -Carbonate.

Harald Leban

Nachricht geschrieben von
>I checked the pH, it's 1 1/2 to 2. So I think you are right but I don't
have potassiumhydroxid. Is there a save alternative or should I wait untill
monday and get it from my supplier ?<

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