Re: buying a 4 x 5 camera

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From: Tox Gunn (
Date: 04/23/00-11:45:49 PM Z

On the assumption that cash is tight, might want to look at something like
a Pacemaker Speed Graphic (circa WW II), clean it up, etc. The caveats with it are
shortage on film backs (standard sheet film holders are standard and easy, things like
polaroid and roll film slightly harder and more expensive), limits on front
movements (can do scheimpflug, but w/ a narrower range of lenses), lieklihood you may
have to do some cleaning, TLC and fixing of bellows pinholes (although I will admit
I've been lucky in this regard, they held up pretty well).

I think mine was $100 w/ a 127. 4 hours to clean it up, a couple hours checking the
bellows, and a day to disassemble, CLA the rear shutter curtain since it was firing
a stop slow on 50-year-olld grease. Front shutter is still a stop slow, but is
*consistenly* a stop slow, have been able to take passable chromes with it.

Given a real budget to work with, I'm sure someone here has more clue than I.

Good luck!

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