Re: Coming Into Focus

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From: Sandy King (
Date: 08/27/00-12:46:27 PM Z

"Coming into Focus". Edited by John Barnier.
ISBN 0-8118-1894-2

Introduction viii
Basic Concepts xiii
1. Becquerel Developed Daguerreotypes by Gerard Meegan, 1
2. Calotype Negatives by Richard Morris, 17
3. Salt Prints by Terry King, 27
4. Traditional Cyanotype by W. Rusell Young III, 37
5. Albumen by Mike Robinson, 49
6. Collodion: Wet-Plate Negatives, Ambrotypes and Tintypes by Mark Osterman
and Scully Osterman, 61
7. Monochrome Carbon by Sandy King, 87
8. Platinum/Palladium by Ted Rice, 107
9. Kallytype by W. Rusell Young III, 131
10. Printing-Out Paper by John Barnier, 153
11. Gum Bichromate by Terry King, 163
12. Rawlins Oil by John Barnier, 173
13. Bromoil by John Barnier, 181
14. Fredrick Temperaprint by Peter Charles Fredrick, 195
15. New Cyanotype by John Barnier, 203
16. Argyrotype by John Barnier, 209
17. Digital Negatives for Alternative Processes by Charles H. Palmer, 217
18. Three-Color Gum Prints Using Digital Negatives by Sam Wang, 239
19. Using Step Scales by John Barnier, 253
20. Enlarged Negatives by John Rudiak, 263
21. Paper by W. Rusell Young III, 277
+Conversion Chart , 286
+Resources , 289
+ Contributor Biographies (breves biografías de los colaboradores), 291
+ Index , 293
+ Text and Additional Photo Credits, 296

>Hi Sandy could you give us some info on the contents of this book please
>have not seen it in the UK yet thanks Dennis Klinker London
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Sandy King <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 2:07 PM
>Subject: Coming Into Focus
>> Hi Judy,
>> And what about Coming Into Focus, edited by John Barnier and
>> published by Chronicle Press. This book has been shipping for several
>> weeks and is very interesting.
>> Sandy King
>> >Dear List,
>> >
>> >And it is SoS ! I am, really, I swear, *committed* to going to the
>> >printer Monday, now winding up the last million and eight loose ends. It
>> >seems the digitons have eaten my data on Spirits of Salts by Webb & Reed.
>> >I have the book in hand, and lovely it is, but nothing so vulgar as a
>> >price, even in pounds, and ..... where does one get it? Who in the US
>> >(anyone?) has it? Order direct from Silverprint website???
>> >
>> >I'd e-mail Webb or whomever offlist, but they might have rashly taken the
>> >weekend off, and I need the info by Sunday night or Monday AM latest so
>> >to finish with a shred of dignity. Newcomers to the list might also like
>> >word on a most engaging book...
>> >
>> >with my thanks in advance,
>> >
>> >Judy
>> >
>> >.................................................................
>> >| Judy Seigel, Editor >
>> >| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
>> >| >
>> >| <>
>> >.................................................................

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