August 2000 Alt Photo Process Arvhives
By Subject

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317 Messages
07/31/00-10:03:48 PM Z:Starting 08/31/00-11:03:01 PM Z:Ending

SubjectAuthor Date
3,3 T.D.P.A.
 nze christian08/13/00-03:47:05 PM Z
 Sandy King08/13/00-08:30:06 AM Z
 Darlington Media Group08/13/00-08:17:03 AM Z
 Darlington Media Group08/13/00-08:01:57 AM Z
A site for soaring eyes
 lva08/28/00-04:08:29 AM Z
 Jack Fulton08/23/00-03:00:02 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/23/00-12:44:39 PM Z
 Rod Fleming08/23/00-08:47:16 AM Z
 Jon Goldman08/23/00-08:34:01 AM Z
 Jack Fulton08/23/00-07:53:26 AM Z
Agenda Alt exhibits
 Grafist@aol.com08/17/00-05:00:34 AM Z
 Jack Fulton08/16/00-09:48:51 AM Z
 roger.kockaerts08/16/00-06:50:21 AM Z
Albumem stains
 Cor Breukel08/16/00-05:00:16 AM Z
 Joao Ribeiro08/15/00-06:29:26 PM Z
Albumen Stains
 Joao Ribeiro08/16/00-04:51:04 PM Z
 Liam Lawless08/16/00-06:32:12 PM Z
alt photo MFA
 lva08/28/00-04:08:29 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren08/24/00-08:02:12 PM Z
 Les Newcomer08/24/00-11:40:51 AM Z
 Maureen E. Duncan08/24/00-09:35:24 AM Z
Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca08/01/00-12:00:01 AM Z
Alt-photo Reminder
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca08/28/00-12:00:00 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca08/21/00-12:00:01 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca08/14/00-12:00:01 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca08/07/00-12:00:00 AM Z
Ammonium Ferric Oxalate
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/07/00-04:41:42 PM Z
 Joe08/07/00-02:21:03 PM Z
 Carl Weese08/07/00-12:53:00 PM Z
 Philippe Ayral08/07/00-12:36:33 PM Z
APIS Alternative?
 Art Chakalis08/24/00-09:11:15 PM Z
AQA vs BL bulbs
 Judy Seigel08/19/00-11:16:42 AM Z
Argyrotype Again
 Robert W. Schramm08/06/00-04:02:22 PM Z
 Sandy King08/05/00-10:21:07 PM Z
 Sandy King08/05/00-09:52:20 PM Z
 Sil Horwitz08/05/00-08:39:45 PM Z
 Sandy King08/05/00-07:59:10 PM Z
Argyrotype my experience and questions
 Vrueh, G.J. de08/01/00-12:39:11 AM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com08/23/00-09:19:35 PM Z
 Nat LASKIN08/23/00-12:51:12 PM Z
Baryta paper as a substrate for alt processes.
 Craig Koshyk08/13/00-08:22:19 PM Z
 Craig Koshyk08/10/00-02:20:50 PM Z
 Wayde Allen08/10/00-08:43:47 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/09/00-10:14:47 PM Z
 Craig Koshyk08/09/00-05:28:42 PM Z
 Colin McKie08/09/00-05:04:45 PM Z
 Pam Niedermayer08/09/00-03:53:05 PM Z
 Craig Koshyk08/09/00-03:24:18 PM Z
 Don Bryant08/09/00-03:05:49 PM Z
 Craig Koshyk08/09/00-02:24:04 PM Z
Bregger BPF200 for Pt/Pd?
 Michael Mutmansky08/11/00-11:57:43 AM Z
 nze christian08/11/00-05:37:24 PM Z
 Kerik717@aol.com08/11/00-01:15:47 PM Z
 Carl Weese08/11/00-12:19:07 PM Z
 MICHAEL STEINLE08/03/00-04:35:03 PM Z
Collodion Journal
 Judy Seigel08/03/00-09:23:09 PM Z
Coming Into Focus
 Sandy King08/27/00-12:46:27 PM Z
  à08/27/00-02:28:09 AM Z
 Sandy King08/26/00-07:07:23 AM Z
Cranes Parchment
 MRipperger08/15/00-09:38:31 PM Z
Cranes Parchmont
 John Richardson08/16/00-10:14:41 AM Z
 Tom Ferguson08/16/00-07:52:19 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/16/00-04:10:06 AM Z
 Mark Malloy08/16/00-12:06:51 AM Z
 Sil Horwitz08/15/00-11:46:59 PM Z
 Jason Plunkett08/15/00-08:49:39 PM Z
Curves for LightJet
 Hans Nohlberg08/09/00-05:50:33 PM Z
Curves for LightJet Correction
 Nick Makris08/11/00-05:39:03 PM Z
 Hans Nohlberg08/11/00-05:07:53 PM Z
 Hans Nohlberg08/12/00-05:59:38 AM Z
 Hans Nohlberg08/09/00-05:52:50 PM Z
Cyanotype site
 Malin Hylen08/30/00-05:00:26 AM Z
 lva08/23/00-04:49:28 AM Z
 garimo08/20/00-07:04:03 PM Z
daguerreotype problems
 Marc Gomm08/25/00-02:56:59 PM Z
 Robert W. Schramm08/25/00-10:38:47 AM Z
 Phillip Murphy08/24/00-07:21:20 AM Z
 Marc Gomm08/24/00-01:28:24 AM Z
 Robert W. Schramm08/23/00-04:15:58 PM Z
daguerreotypist Belgium
 Jonathan Bailey08/20/00-07:14:30 AM Z
 Phillip Murphy08/20/00-05:53:00 AM Z
 Marc Gomm08/20/00-02:01:22 AM Z
 Judy Seigel08/30/00-08:30:35 PM Z
 Bob Kiss08/30/00-07:35:46 AM Z
Desktop negs
 Richard08/07/00-03:31:09 AM Z
Digital Negs - Canada or US source
 George Huczek08/02/00-10:25:14 AM Z
Digital Negs - Canada source
 Ralph Rinke08/02/00-04:20:35 AM Z
EPSON 870/1270/875DC and spontaneous print color changes.... (OT)
 Editor - P.O.V. Image Service08/19/00-12:07:26 PM Z
Exposing for sun solarization
 Steve Shapiro08/06/00-10:54:01 PM Z
f/stop calculation
 Wayde Allen08/07/00-01:41:51 PM Z
 Gregg Kemp08/07/00-07:10:01 AM Z
 Vrueh, G.J. de08/07/00-12:38:31 AM Z
 lva08/05/00-12:42:28 AM Z
 James Romeo08/04/00-03:35:03 PM Z
 DFStein@aol.com08/04/00-02:44:18 PM Z
 Jan Pietrzak08/04/00-03:40:19 PM Z
 Les Newcomer08/04/00-02:31:37 PM Z
 lva08/04/00-02:02:28 PM Z
Fix in lith printing
 Bernard Herman08/07/00-02:55:53 PM Z
 Darlington Media Group08/05/00-03:00:33 PM Z
 Bernard Herman08/04/00-06:52:53 PM Z
Fwd: Wide angle lenses for 7x17
 James Romeo08/15/00-05:34:28 AM Z
grain /tri-X, Tmax, etc.
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/04/00-05:22:55 PM Z
 Carl Weese08/02/00-05:17:31 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/02/00-04:34:14 PM Z
Great Deals on Alt Photo Books.
 Mac Legrandi08/01/00-09:18:09 PM Z (off topic)
 Richard Knoppow08/15/00-06:30:42 AM Z
 Richard Knoppow08/15/00-06:06:17 AM Z
 Les Newcomer08/15/00-05:53:48 AM Z
Holographic film
 Nathan Bramall08/14/00-12:33:12 PM Z
 Philippe Monnoyer08/14/00-10:33:12 AM Z
 Richard M. Koolish08/14/00-07:16:15 AM Z
 Les Newcomer08/13/00-11:03:55 AM Z
 Bob Kiss08/13/00-08:00:49 AM Z
 Ed Stander08/13/00-05:07:07 AM Z
 Editor - P.O.V. Image Service08/13/00-01:08:08 AM Z
 Greg Schmitz08/13/00-12:35:07 AM Z
holographic plates
 Robert W. Schramm08/14/00-08:08:17 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/14/00-05:14:49 AM Z
 Robert W. Schramm08/13/00-03:45:44 PM Z
 David J. Romano08/09/00-01:20:21 PM Z
 Maria Olmedo08/09/00-11:57:20 AM Z
 msandquist08/08/00-09:32:59 PM Z
 msandquist08/08/00-09:30:29 PM Z
 msandquist08/08/00-09:27:46 PM Z
 john08/02/00-06:32:39 AM Z
 FDanB@aol.com08/01/00-09:24:23 PM Z
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/01/00-12:20:42 PM Z
 Thierry Guicherd08/01/00-08:21:02 PM Z
inkjet on acetate offsetting onto BFK
 Sarah Van Keuren08/21/00-08:15:03 AM Z
Introductory teaching materials
 Jack Fulton08/17/00-10:39:32 PM Z
 janet neuhauser08/17/00-07:46:33 PM Z
 janet neuhauser08/17/00-07:43:02 PM Z
JOBO tanks for 4x5
 JOHN A ROSEBOROUGH08/24/00-10:09:30 PM Z
 BKPhoto@aol.com08/24/00-02:41:20 PM Z
 DFStein@aol.com08/24/00-09:28:00 AM Z
 Cor Breukel08/24/00-09:09:11 AM Z
 David B Kern08/24/00-09:01:32 AM Z
Kallitype; Ferric Citrate
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/23/00-09:49:39 PM Z
 jiy58508/23/00-09:28:13 PM Z
Kodak Duraclear
 Jeffrey D. Mathias07/31/00-10:03:48 PM Z
Kodak to re-introduce Super-XX
 Sil Horwitz08/06/00-09:00:13 PM Z
 Jonathon Russell08/06/00-03:42:35 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow08/06/00-12:29:24 PM Z
 Dan Smith, Photographer08/06/00-08:08:36 AM Z
 Rod Fleming08/06/00-03:51:13 AM Z
 Judy Seigel08/06/00-12:45:22 AM Z
 Frank Filippone08/05/00-11:07:18 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow08/05/00-04:35:06 PM Z
 Nelson Goforth08/05/00-04:06:41 PM Z
 Rod Fleming08/05/00-03:54:03 PM Z
 DFStein@aol.com08/05/00-02:49:40 PM Z
 Sandy King08/05/00-01:53:49 PM Z
 Jason Hall08/05/00-01:03:58 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/05/00-12:11:29 PM Z
 Sandy King08/05/00-11:20:34 AM Z
 Dan Smith, Photographer08/05/00-08:06:26 AM Z
 Edward Meyers08/05/00-06:19:48 AM Z
 Rod Fleming08/05/00-02:10:36 AM Z
 Sil Horwitz08/04/00-10:46:49 PM Z
 Steve Shapiro08/04/00-10:08:50 PM Z
 Tox Gunn08/04/00-09:47:36 PM Z
 Dan Smith, Photographer08/04/00-09:31:01 PM Z
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/04/00-06:21:26 PM Z
 Sandy King08/04/00-05:54:19 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/04/00-05:25:21 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/04/00-01:12:39 PM Z
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/04/00-12:19:23 PM Z
 Dan Smith, Photographer08/03/00-01:34:54 PM Z
 Don Bryant08/04/00-05:17:24 AM Z
 Steve Shapiro08/03/00-10:57:09 PM Z
 Michael Mutmansky08/03/00-09:42:12 AM Z
 Carl Weese08/03/00-09:31:18 AM Z
 Mark Malloy08/03/00-09:27:31 AM Z
Lucky Film -- was The Hunt for Super-XX
 Don Bryant08/07/00-10:29:09 AM Z
My exhibit
 Jack Fulton08/19/00-04:04:01 PM Z
new book
 James Romeo08/30/00-04:57:36 PM Z
 Linda Phillips08/30/00-04:22:38 PM Z
 James Romeo08/30/00-04:00:27 PM Z
new Mouse
 James Romeo08/31/00-04:34:00 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/31/00-03:43:52 PM Z
 Rod Fleming08/31/00-12:52:50 PM Z
 Richard Koolish08/31/00-10:50:58 AM Z
 Alan Duke08/31/00-09:14:08 AM Z
 DFStein@aol.com08/31/00-08:47:01 AM Z
 Rod Fleming08/31/00-08:43:08 AM Z
New Web Site
 Bob Parker08/20/00-10:57:14 PM Z
 James A. Strain08/14/00-05:53:21 AM Z
 John Richardson08/14/00-12:34:09 AM Z
No digital at Photovision
 Don Bryant08/04/00-05:16:33 AM Z
 Rod Fleming08/04/00-02:17:02 AM Z
 FDanB@aol.com08/03/00-09:36:15 PM Z
 Sam Wang08/03/00-08:31:48 PM Z
 Don Bryant08/03/00-07:41:09 PM Z
 Sil Horwitz08/03/00-03:31:26 PM Z
 Jonathan Bailey08/03/00-03:06:02 PM Z
 FDanB@aol.com08/03/00-12:32:01 PM Z
 Ron Landucci08/03/00-09:19:14 AM Z
 Garet Denise08/03/00-08:25:46 AM Z
 Editor - P.O.V. Image Service08/03/00-07:32:48 AM Z
 Gerard NIEMETZKY08/03/00-07:17:37 AM Z
 EWRPhoto@aol.com08/03/00-05:12:44 AM Z
 Brian Ellis08/02/00-09:07:37 PM Z
 Robert W. Schramm08/02/00-06:19:11 PM Z
 Carl Weese08/02/00-05:56:56 PM Z
 Sandy King08/02/00-05:22:48 PM Z
Old US Field Camera Overview
 Nelson Goforth08/11/00-11:47:47 PM Z
 Richard08/07/00-05:04:33 AM Z
photogramme, site dedicated to alt processes in french has an online catalogue
 thierry08/17/00-08:25:42 AM Z
Photographic quotations (off topic)
 Richard08/14/00-05:13:53 AM Z
Pictures from the Alternative Process BBQ in Denver
 Rod Fleming08/02/00-10:55:28 AM Z
 Wayde Allen08/02/00-09:38:58 AM Z
 Wayde Allen08/02/00-09:29:08 AM Z
please remove me from your mailing list & don't send more e-mail
 eadmail08/08/00-11:21:05 AM Z
 eadmail08/08/00-11:16:58 AM Z
 Judy Seigel08/31/00-04:13:00 PM Z
 Carl Weese08/31/00-02:14:06 PM Z
 Rod Fleming08/31/00-12:49:29 PM Z
 Sil Horwitz08/31/00-10:07:11 AM Z
 Mitch Valburg08/31/00-10:54:28 AM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com08/31/00-07:16:55 AM Z
 Eric Neilsen08/31/00-09:10:58 AM Z
 Joachim08/31/00-06:58:07 AM Z
 Joachim08/31/00-06:47:31 AM Z
 Rod Fleming08/31/00-01:41:11 AM Z
 Brian Ellis08/30/00-09:40:53 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com08/30/00-08:42:48 PM Z
 DFStein@aol.com08/30/00-07:59:23 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/30/00-07:47:48 PM Z
 Rod Fleming08/30/00-06:09:54 PM Z
 Ken Sinclair08/30/00-04:46:16 PM Z
 Liam Lawless08/31/00-12:30:23 AM Z
 Bob Kiss08/30/00-02:29:27 PM Z
Re : My exhibit
 roger.kockaerts08/21/00-12:51:53 AM Z
Re : TRI-X in Rodinal question
 pascal miele08/02/00-02:41:10 AM Z
Re : TRI-X in Rodinal question (and HC-110)
 Vrueh, G.J. de08/04/00-12:27:48 AM Z
 Carl Weese08/02/00-09:18:03 AM Z
 Vrueh, G.J. de08/02/00-06:47:50 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/02/00-05:39:59 AM Z
recent news
 peter fredrick08/27/00-07:20:56 AM Z
Rollo Pyro & HP5?
 Robert W. Schramm08/09/00-06:08:56 PM Z
 JOHN A ROSEBOROUGH08/08/00-10:26:08 PM Z
 Darryl Baird08/08/00-08:37:24 PM Z
Silver nitrate
 Sil Horwitz08/16/00-09:37:41 AM Z
Sorry about the attachment
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/09/00-07:15:03 AM Z
 Randall Webb08/27/00-09:29:49 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/27/00-12:36:51 PM Z
 Randall Webb08/27/00-01:31:07 PM Z
 Lukas Werth08/27/00-02:32:50 AM Z
 Pam Niedermayer08/27/00-12:48:16 AM Z
 Rod Fleming08/26/00-09:12:34 PM Z
 Editor - P.O.V. Image Service08/26/00-07:10:47 PM Z
 Gregory Parkinson08/26/00-07:00:22 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/26/00-06:45:09 PM Z
Source for Videos
 Kenneth Carney08/24/00-11:48:54 AM Z
 DFStein@aol.com08/24/00-06:22:44 PM Z
 Brian Ellis08/24/00-04:40:14 PM Z
Stiching Software for Mac?
 Gordon J. Holtslander08/31/00-11:03:01 PM Z
 Nelson Goforth08/31/00-04:06:34 PM Z
Sun Solarization and phases of film
 FotoDave@aol.com08/07/00-09:28:10 AM Z
 Richard Knoppow08/05/00-08:57:03 PM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren08/05/00-07:31:45 PM Z
Super-XX and sun solarization
 Sandy King08/06/00-09:59:50 PM Z
 Steve Shapiro08/05/00-10:40:14 PM Z
 Jason Hall08/05/00-04:54:39 PM Z
 George Huczek08/05/00-04:12:51 PM Z
Textbook suggestions
 Susan Bloom08/18/00-07:18:50 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren08/17/00-06:24:15 PM Z
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/17/00-11:44:53 AM Z
 DFStein@aol.com08/16/00-08:03:17 PM Z
 Gwen Walstrand08/16/00-01:09:07 PM Z
 Gary Miller08/16/00-01:27:27 PM Z
 Mark Malloy08/15/00-11:00:22 PM Z
 Bob Kiss08/30/00-06:14:03 PM Z
The Hunt for Super-XX
 Frank Filippone08/10/00-12:22:02 AM Z
 Richard Knoppow08/07/00-05:22:23 PM Z
 Frank Filippone08/07/00-08:50:29 AM Z
The prints are coming
 Jack Fulton08/16/00-09:22:57 AM Z
The use of Versalite for enlarged negs.
 Jarred McCaffrey08/19/00-08:17:44 PM Z
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/19/00-08:44:07 AM Z
 Eric Neilsen08/19/00-12:24:31 AM Z
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/18/00-08:53:55 PM Z
 Scott Walton08/18/00-06:45:48 PM Z
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/15/00-10:32:31 AM Z
 Scott Walton08/14/00-08:34:10 PM Z
Thoughts on MFA program
 Darryl Baird08/29/00-06:30:01 PM Z
 Gary Miller08/29/00-06:06:37 PM Z
 Judy Seigel08/29/00-03:35:58 PM Z
 Pam Niedermayer08/29/00-08:13:56 AM Z
 Darryl Baird08/29/00-07:54:30 AM Z
 lva08/29/00-07:03:29 AM Z
 ken Watson08/29/00-06:22:37 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias08/29/00-05:31:13 AM Z
 YAPAR@aol.com08/29/00-01:00:13 AM Z
Traveling Portfolio
 Don Bryant08/08/00-12:46:18 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com08/08/00-11:29:49 AM Z
 Editor - P.O.V. Image Service08/07/00-08:12:21 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com08/07/00-08:07:21 PM Z
 dalrymple08/07/00-07:19:57 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com08/03/00-06:05:41 PM Z
 Don Bryant08/02/00-04:55:37 PM Z
TRI-X in Rodinal question
 Vrueh, G.J. de08/01/00-12:53:18 AM Z
UV lights vs Black lights
 Jenfieldny@aol.com08/01/00-12:07:55 PM Z
 Wayde Allen08/01/00-08:56:11 AM Z
vandyke fixer Q
 Robert W. Schramm08/01/00-07:01:44 PM Z
 emily kate08/01/00-12:39:30 AM Z
waxed negatives
 Nick Makris08/25/00-07:38:29 AM Z
 Katharine Thayer08/24/00-04:23:57 PM Z
 FotoRR@aol.com08/24/00-09:04:54 PM Z
Web site display space
 Nick Makris08/25/00-07:50:52 AM Z
Wide angle lenses for 7x17
 James Romeo08/14/00-09:18:25 PM Z
 Sandy King08/14/00-09:16:55 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow08/14/00-03:13:11 PM Z
 Sandy King08/14/00-12:59:36 PM Z
 Carl Weese08/14/00-12:43:48 PM Z
 Kerik717@aol.com08/14/00-10:58:02 AM Z
 Michael Mutmansky08/14/00-10:24:11 AM Z

Last message date: 08/31/00-11:03:01 PM Z Archived on: 09/18/00-10:20:31 AM Z CST
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