Commercials and the Post Factory Journal

Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 04:07:06 /etc/localtime

Mr. William Laven,

For a person who runs an ad at the end of your posts you seem to be a pot
calling a kettle black.

I believe a long while back we all agreed that an occasional "commercial"
advertisment by list members would be acceptable so long as it pertains
to alternative process photography. Well, the Post Factory Journal is
certainly pertainent.

If you had any idea of the amount of blood, sweat and tears Judy puts into
each issue of the PF Journal compared to the financial reward, I doubt
you would even consider it a commercial enterprise. Frankly, I believe
we all owe her a debt of gratitude for giving us a unique publication which
supplies us with information we could not obtain anywhere else. For Judy,
it is a labor of love.

In view of this, I simply do not understand why every time an issue of
the Post Factory Journal comes out, someone has to find something to
criticize. I do have some personal opinions on this which I will not

I find these critical comments non-productive and VERY tiresome.

Mr. Laven you have also forgotten about the "delete" key. No one is
standing over you with a club forcing you to read posts you do not
wish to read.

Also, THERE IS NO NEED TO SHOUT! although in this case I believe I will...


Anyone care to join me?

Bob Schramm

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