Re: cyanotype + intaglio

From: Judy Seigel (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 06:01:04 /etc/localtime


Some tap water is slightly alkaline, so a long soak in it would bleach out
your cyanotype, which doesn't like alkaline, prefers slightly acid. So you
might put just a bit of acid in the soaking water, perhaps a few drops of
HCL... better yet of course would be to test the water. Someone on this
list will know "normal" water pH -- probably about 7 ?? Have you got pH
testing papers?

However, cyanotype may have the effect of tanning the image area, which
might or might not interfere with accepting the intaglio... Hope
you'll reveal how it goes...


| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| >
| <>

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, emily kate wrote:

> i'm attempting to add an intaglio print on top of a cyanotype. in order for
> the paper to fully accept the intaglio ink i have to have it damp.. but i'm
> afraid soaking it again will weaken and perhaps just destroy the cyanotype
> i've already made..
> is there some sort of fixative or sealer that i can put over the cyanotype
> to protect it while i soak it, but will still accept the plate's ink?
> the paper i'm using is bfk rives .. so it's surface is absorbant and soft,
> but it's kind of thick.. so the usual soaking time i use is about an hour..
> emily
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