Re: Commercials and the Post Factory Journal

From: Judy Seigel (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 06:17:06 /etc/localtime

Dear Folks,

I wonder if it's posssible to put this in a different perspective.

My own reflection is to reflect how MANY TIMES, on this list and also on
the history list, which are the only two I'm familiar with, folks say
"thank you" for a private act to the list at large. Or engage in some
other transaction which is in fact a personal exchange between only 2 or 3

I bet it happened here this very month a couple of times. And I bet I'm
not the only one to say *TO MYSELF*, now why did you have to send that to
all of us? Instructions on this count may even be part of the list

Yet I do not recall a single onlist protest. Which is not to say there
haven't been any, but rarely if ever in public. In other words, these
"irritations," or mistakes, are either not so irritating, or shrugged off,
overlooked or tolerated. And I bet also that if we looked back at the
subject lines for recent months we'd find more than a few threads in which
TRIVIA just went on and on, even, if you could believe, run into the
ground. But it was sincere, and well meant .... and accepted as such.

What is it about Post-Factory that evokes almost reflexive protest --
because this happened beginning with the very first issue. Many
publications (View Camera, PT, Camera & Darkroom for instance) are
mentioned again and again without protest. Begins to seem like, well what
comes to mind is *double standard*... unintended, and unconscious for
sure, but there it is.

Yes, so sorry to say, it looks like that old devil Uppity Woman syndrome
again. Suddenly the material is IRRITATING, or the irritation DEMANDS
expression, or the UNCONSCIOUS sense of respective entitlement PERMITS the
complaint (and I vote for all of the above).

So perhaps next time (and may there be many more issues to bring on more
"next times"), an act of imagination might be in order. Ask yourself
before voicing the protest: Would I feel this/say this if the protagonist
were a man?

Love & kisses,


| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| >
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