How do you spell raspberry?
I needed that information.
If it relates to the topic, alternative process, how can you object?
This woman is devoting a lot of her time, life and experience to this project
and you are just being rude. And so what if it is a little commercial.
If you don't like it, go shop at Target. At least she is not flashing
banners at
you. At least she is giving you information that you can use! The whole
world is moving away from centralized commercialism, move with it or you will
all be impoverished before you realize it. I would rather buy anything from
a friend than a chain. Leave her alone!!! She does not need
to be churned or turned anymore. She has arrived.. Now, it is up to you
to appreciate that arrival or attempt to destroy it. When will you all wake
up out of your slumber and see that we are no longer moving up and down
a ladder, but three dimensionally, like the electron moves! Kick me off if
you like , I really don't care if all you can show me is formulas and
chemicals and absolutely not one inch of humanity!!!!!!!~!
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