Re: Commercials and the Post Factory Journal

From: Andy Darlow (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 02:46:47 /etc/localtime

Now that I finally removed my issue of P-FJ from it's protective plastic, I
am truly in awe of the amount of information and entertaining words
contained within.

Since I'm heavily oriented to digital scanning and output, the inside front
cover article about scanner problems read like an experience one could only
expect in a very bad nightmare; I really felt bad for Judy and the torture
she underwent just to get images into her computer. However, it teaches us
all an important lesson: all things connected to a piece of computer
hardware are subject to self-destruction and don't bet the farm(or even a
stick of butter)on any company's tech help dept. Your best bet is to post
to one of thousands of newsgroups, just like Alt-Photo's.

The topics inside Issue #4 are so well laid out that they almost read
themselves aloud. I don't see myself making a Dag any time soon, but its
nice to know how to undergo the technique in case I have nothing to do on a
Saturday evening.

There are things discussed that are very foreign to me, such as
Cliche'Verre on Acetate and Glass, but reading about them definately
encourages me to experiment with the same or similiar materials with my own

Keep up the good work Judy and I also think no malicious intent was
intended a few posts ago. In fact, all the messages encouraged me to post
my Post-Factory Journal opinions!

All the best!

-Andy Darlow

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