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Re: Salted Paper:
Sam Wang wrote:
> I would try Strathmore 500 before going to all the trouble of sizing
> and hardening etc. ...
Sarah Van Keuren wrote:
> Sandy, this may have been discussed already but the 2-ply Strathmore 500 has
> given very strange results with VDB in my classes, a grained look as if
> printed on wood. ...
The Stathmore 500 made with their acid free process (different from old
Strathmore 500 of more than 12 years ago) uses a different sizing as
well. With Pt/Pd this results in a sort of galvanized look especially
in shadow areas. This look can be similar to what Sarah describes. I
would suggest caution before buying a bunch and try a sheet (best if
from the same lot you may buy.)
There are other hot press papers and heavily sized papers available.
For heavy sizing, try a paper that is suggested for use with markers.
Jeffrey D. Mathias