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Re: your mail -

This thread HAS been useful, but only because others have stepped forward to correct the misconceptions Jeffrey has stubbornly presented.    "Discouragement" is just what he needs! Not only does he continually propogate erroneous information, he does it in a pompous and arrogant fashion. 

Sarah, you stated that you are "unready to contribute".  Well, fine.  But don't let your lack of knowledge contribute to your vulnerability.  There may be SOME issues that Jeff can speak about with authority, but digital capture and reproduction are certainly not among them! 



On Mon, 10 Jul 2000 18:37:52   Sarah Van Keuren wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Rod Fleming wrote:
>>> Now you clearly intend to give Wayde a good doing because he had the
>>> temerity to pick you up on what was either a pretty basic misapprehension,
>>> or an example of you expressing yourself very badly. No-one, may I remind
>>> you, is right all the time, and all the clever semantics in the world will
>>> not make them so.
>> While the support is flattering, please don't do this!  I am not that
>> fragile.  I think that I've presented the information that I can offer on
>> this topic.  It is now up to the list readers to sift through the data and
>> winnow out what is useful to them.  Jeff and I may disagree on a few items
>> here, but that is OK.  He really does make some very wonderful images.
>> I treat the list as an information exchange.  Topics can be raised, and
>> comments given.  I tend to think that some disagreement is a good thing
>> since it helps to identify those things that are not so clearly known,
>> understood, or even important.  Please, let us disagree - let's not make
>> things personal.  It isn't so much about who is right or wrong, but more
>> about whether or not the list readers can get some tidbit of information
>> or insight into a process that can help them in some way.
>> - Wayde
>>   (wallen@boulder.nist.gov)
>Wayde, I'm so glad you wrote the above. Jeffrey has made such valuable
>contributions that I would hate for him to be silenced or discouraged. The
>dialog about scanning to get a full tonal range is of great interest to me
>even though I say nothing because I have no knowledge to contribute on that
>subject at this time. There must be many other readers who are silently
>benefiting from this discussion as I have been.
>Sarah Van Keuren

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