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you haven't expired

Dear friends,

I've been trying NOT to put this on the list, but today's worried e-mail
from "Joe" was the last straw -- I must have had 100 e-mails from folks
thinking their subscription to Post-Factory had expired -- and FLATTERING
as it is, each one makes me feel bad and I'm struggling enough with my
character flaws as it is.

When I announced Post-Factory in April '98, I offered the first issue as a
"free intro" to "the list." If you took advantage of that offer, your
subscription goes through Issue #5, which is now in production: It will
have an adorable sticker reminding you to renew.

If there are folks on the list who subscribed through other avenues for 4
issues, you can have the bonus issue now for the postage, tho not #1
(almost gone) -- would be #5, NOW IN PRODUCTION !  Check the tiny
number bottom line left of your address label.

Aside from the fact that production is forever, which is bad, it seems the
APPETITE for P-F is so insatiable folks fear they've missed an issue,
which of course is good. Remember: TWO A YEAR, #4 was mailed in January.
Strictly speaking my calculator tells me #5 should have mailed, um, pretty
soon now... (really, who's counting?), but today LESS IS MORE !  My post
office cleaned its scales and said I can mail 4 extra pages for same
postage: the issue in work is going to be 52 (and that's a lot with no
ads, hardly Vanity Fair can match it!).

Part of what's taking so long (and another of those character flaws), is
the longest feature in the history of print media on cyanotype. My outline
had been for half as much, but there was this incredible amount of
material, from meditation on blue, to you betcha it can match the
high-priced spread (tho still photography's step child -- to date,
anyway). Impossible to leave any of it out.

And that's the truth.

with best regards and profoundest thanks for caring....


| Judy Seigel, Editor                           >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography     > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| info@post-factory.org                         >
| <http://rmp.opusis.com/postfactory/postfactory.html>