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Re: Help with Van Dyke and Cyanotype

In a message dated Mon, 6 Mar 2000 10:46:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, JAHJE@aol.com writes:

> I learned how to make negatives for alt processes at the University of the Arts with Sarah Van Keuren and when we used lith film we often developed it in paper developer, instead of film developer, to get a smooth and continuous tone.  The negative produced from developing in paper developer has a wider range of values and is a lot less contrasty than one from film developer.  This is really the most desirable kind of negative for printing van dyke.  
I may have been misleading in the prior comment
by 'film' developer' I mean the one intended for lith film that will give the highest possible contrast. Most developers for other films would give lower contrast than paper developer.

Jahje Bath

p.s. thanks Sarah