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Re: RE: Digital negs and Platinum

Hi Gerard,

For the most part, I'm still using imagesetter output for my negatives 
that are printed on platinum/palladium. Last time I got four (4) 12 X 18 
negs made for under $60. Again, I work in 35mm only...though I'm on the 
verge of jumping to a digital camera.

Some are using the Lightjet output. This can be a swell way to go if 
you've tapped into the right place that'll give you a deal. I still 
regularly get email from people who are freaked out by the $100 for an 8 
X 10 negative so the price factor is still an issue for many.

I'm leaving in an hour to talk at a local college where I'll be showing 8 
X 10 platinum print
made from desktop inkjet negatives. That's where the future is: making 
our own negatives quickly, easily and cheaply. Just yesterday a company 
sent me some transparency material that they claim (don't they all) is 
better than Epson's. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out. I'm 
particularly interested in how the new "archival" Epson 1270 works for 

Hope this helps!



You said in your message...

>I understand you scan your neg's. After that you probably use photoshop or
>equal to get the right contrast curves for platinum..... BUT
>-By what medium do you print the 12x18 neg's. With a laser printer?? color,
>black and white? and on what kind of media (overhead film?).