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Re: Photographic facts and formulas
On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, ARCHIVAL PRINTS wrote:
> I found a copy of Photographic Facts and Formulas (Wall & Jordan),
> enlarged and revised by John Carroll 1976, in a second hand book store
> in Toronto for CAN$150. It is rare and sought after. Try searching
> www.abebooks.com, which links hundreds of antiquarian booksellars.
> Good luck,
> Mark Nowaczynski
Seems a bit high to me - unless you need the book right away. I've
picked up a couple of copies over the past 3 or 4 years for prices
ranging from $15 to $45 U.S. (the $45 copy was mint with a dust
jacket). I think the highest price I've seen for Wall & Jordan was
$75.00 U.S.
That said, I have noticed noticed a general trend towards higher
prices for almost all photographic literature in used bookstores over
the past 3 or so years. I suspect that this is, at least in part,
becuase the sellers have easy access to prices over "The Net."
Unfortunately many booksellers just look at the highest price they can
find; paying no attention to the condition of the book at hand (and/or
the edition); often the high price they are guided by is from a
bookseller specializing in a particular genre. Oh well....
-greg schmitz
Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.