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RBikamera@cs.com wrote:
> a simple question- but i could use some help- if i want to make a digital
> negative what kind of paper do i ask for- brand name and style- thanks very
> much- ron caplain
1. Do anything you wish in Photoshop first and then invert it.
2. If you wish to make a serious negative purchase Dan Burkholder's book
3. If you don't and want to be funky but creative just use a laser printer
and go to an office supply store or computer place and purchase
transparent material. There are 2 kinds: for both ink jet and laser
printers. That's it.
4. If you use a laser printer, it is better if it slightly newer, meaning
that you can obtain 600 or even 1200 dpi. Just print on paper and use that.
You might want to soak it in paraffin to make it more translucent but
that is not necessary.
5. If you want to make it illusory and appear to be a photograph, output
needs to be done by an image setter in a professional print shop.
You can obtain up to a 30x40 size negative w/excellent resolution up
to 3800 dpi for $60
The point is the thrill of "making" a negative and then contacting it.
Jack Fulton