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Re: Polaroid 20x24" film

Calumet owns one of the 20x24 cameras.  You might give them a call.  You
will need a special holder and a separate processor.  My understanding is
that 20x24 is like 8x10 Polaroid, processing is separate from the holder.
It isn't like the 4x5 Polaroid, where processing is integral to the holder

Good luck

Tom Ferguson

> From: Mac Legrandi <juicebox@my-Deja.com>
> Hello1
> I realize this is slightly off topic, but I consider Polaroid transfer/lifts
> an alternative to convention photography. Anyone know the cost of the 20x24"
> film?
> I have a friend building a 20x24" camera for a project and was thinking if the
> Polaroid film could be used.<SNIP>