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Re: sumi ink for gum

> Keith Gerling wrote on March 29:
Sumi ink used alone stains considerably.  Also, there is a strange phenomena
going on where the very lightest whites in the print pick up MORE stain than
some of the lighter grays.  This is seen in strips 2 and 3. This is not a
great scan, but you can still see the gradual progression from dark to
light, and then back to dark.

I looked at your strips and have a hunch about what is happening with them
based on my own experience. A subtle sizing is occurring in the midtones
with a very light deposit of gum that is soft enough to release some of the
pigment or ink but slick enough to prevent staining that occurs in the
highlight areas where no gum was deposited. This can happen with sized or
unsized paper. With the former, hosing or gentle brushing can clear the
highlights but generally the stain is permanent on unsized paper.

Sarah Van Keuren