Offense meant & taken

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 05/25/00-09:10:37 PM Z

This is a case where damned if you do & damned if you don't... But let the
following points be made, for those who care to follow this morass:

1. Keith, you felt abandoned -- where the dickens were the list minders?
But I for one was trying NOT to make matters worse, hoping it would go
away. Of course we all shouldda known better.

2. But now I'll tell you something, news maybe -- not all of us follow
this list EVERY MINUTE . Hard to believe, but I didn't get on until this
evening, when the whole business had been sent, sealed and delivered. Even
in e-mail time, it was too soon to cry. I don't mean be *patient,* I mean
be realistic.

3. But unless something happened that I missed, Thor (Thor??? Yes, "Thor")
started this one from out of the blue, taking an ugly, disruptive, and
totally unwarranted swipe at a subscriber who wrote something (right or
wrong) in good faith. This is actionable. I was about to write Gord
offlist to humbly suggest that the fellow is more grief than he's worth,
that he breached the most crucial rule(s) of the list, making trouble for
its own sake (and not for the first time). I hope others will do likewise.
4. However, you, Keith, left your position of virtue & let the A--H---
suck you right into the mud with him, instantly losing all the points you
had gained. You also flatter this kind of pathology by calling it
anti-semitic. Anti-semites are as philosphers in comparison. But Thor
accomplished his goal -- to suck you in. (And boy were you easy.)

5. Statements of "sincere apology" after a performance of that sort are
absurd, in fact the pretense that an "apology" wipes the slate clean --
saying, "If I've offended anyone I apologize," adds insult to injury. I
daresay I'm not the only one offended, who feels "the list" has been
abused and diminished, and who does NOT accept the apology (or make that


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