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Re: Some new imagery! - Feedback
Nastiness?!! C'mon Jill, you've got to be kidding!
Look again (or for the first time if that's the case) at the photos in
question on the POV website:
I agree with Thor Bols.
The afiya4.htm photos are marred by atrocious lighting (splotchy foliage
shadows) and a distracting background. Both series of photos are uninspired
and forgettable. Does using infrared B&W film somehow make this stuff
"art". I think not.
Keith asked for feedback. I don't know Keith, but I suspect that he's a big
boy and can handle the criticism. So what's the problem?
Best regards,
Cactus Cowboy
Big Wonderful Wyoming
----- Original Message -----
From: <Jenfieldny@aol.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: Some new imagery! - Feedback
> Have you read the "reminder" lately?? I do not think this is feedback -
> nastiness. I hope you are not a teacher or critic that anyone takes
> seriously.
> Jill Enfield
> In a message dated 10/9/00 2:15:21 PM, thorbols@hotmail.com writes:
> << You're actually asking for feedback? Are you serious?
> OK. Keith, this has got to be some of the worst "photography" I've ever
> seen. Absolutley no redeaming value whatsovever, and I'm embarrassed for
> you.
> Next time, can you take this someplace else? It really has no place on
> list.
> >>