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Re: OffTopic - Alt Process Definitions

Hi Mark,

I have a glossary of this type that I prepared for a book on Spanish
Pictorialism that was published in 1989. If you send me your snail mail
address this evening, or early tomorrow morning, I will make a copy of it
and send it to you tomorrow. It will be a push because I need to be on the
road to Atlanta for a flight to Zurich/Barcleona by about 11:15 am but if I
hear from you early I can get a copy made and get it in the mail.

Otherwise, you could perhaps obtain a copy of the book, and you have my
permssion to use the glossary. The book is The Photographic Impressionists
of Spain: A History of the Aesthetics and Techniques of Pictorial
Photography, published in 1989 by the Edwin Mellen Press. I am the author,
S. Carl King, and the ISBN number is 0-88946-564-9. With univesity
connections you could get the book through an interlibrary loan service as
it is in many university libraries. The glossary is found in Appendix D,
pages 273-278.

Sandy King

>This is off topic, so I apologize in advance to folks.
>The mental health clinic I work for is having an auction of photography later
>this month and we have had some wonderful donations’Äîsome from people on
>list.  In order to help those attending the auction to better understand what
>they are looking at and bidding on, I was thinking of including a glossary of
>terms in the auction catalog... I was wondering if anyone could help my
>locate such a glossary that I could use without running into copyright pr
>oblems ie permission of author , etc... or something that might be in
>the public domain.
>Mark Nelson